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The Rock Chalk Research Partners Event hopes to cultivate conversation about research between undergraduate and graduate students within the School of Engineering at the University of Kansas. The event will be divided into two sections, "speed networking" and "open networking".


"Speed networking": the first hour of the event where interested undergraduates will speak with many current graduate researchers in short, approximately 3-minute rounds. This will allow undergraduates to gain a broad perspective on the current engineering research underway at KU.


"Open networking": the second hour of the event where undergraudate and graduate students will be able to mingle and continue conversations started from the first hour of the event. The intent of this portion of the event will allow further questions and deeper conversations to be held.


This event was developed as part of a senior capstone project with support from the Self Engineering Leadership Fellows Undergraduate Fellowship. The goal of this event is to help facilitate partnerships between undergraduates interested in purusing research and graduate students currently pursuing research within the School of Engineering at the Uiversity of Kansas. For more information, please contact

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